The Best Online News Sources

online News

The Internet has become a popular platform for news. Despite the proliferation of سمعها, it has not completely replaced traditional journalism. Some scholars worry that the ephemerality of online News prevents it from having the “aura” of authenticity that a newspaper provides.

In the US and Norway, people take out multiple media subscriptions. Often, these subscriptions are local or specialist titles in addition to the main national newspaper.

Associated Press

Founded in 1846, the Associated Press is an American news agency that is not for profit. It is one of the most widely used sources for international news and is known for its straightforward “just the facts” writing style and AP Stylebook, which is the standard guide for newspaper reporting. It has won many Pulitzer Prizes, including 35 for photography. AP is also well-known for its NCAA sports coverage and election polls and results.

In the 1970s AP launched several technological innovations, including DataStream, a high-speed news-transmission service; LaserPhoto, which transmitted photographs of better quality; and an electronic darkroom, developed by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, that automatically cropped, formatted, and transmitted photos. It also introduced a direct Teletype line to Moscow and London, and began leasing leased telephone wires to reduce costs.

In the 1980s, AP began to focus on television and satellite transmissions. It also stepped up research and development to keep pace with new technologies.


The BBC is a public service broadcaster that provides news and analysis on international events. It has a reputation for providing straightforward, no-nonsense coverage of the news. It has strict editorial guidelines and avoids dumb cultural features or ideological commentary. Its stories often include academic historians and comparisons with similar historical events. The BBC also has a magazine called History, which includes topical features aligned with the programmes being broadcast on BBC radio or television and reviews of new books.

A review by AllSides found that the BBC does not display common types of media bias, such as slant or opinion statements presented as fact. However, it does show some bias by omission and bias by placement, for example, by not highlighting certain stories that conservatives might consider important or by placing stories generally viewed as important to liberals more prominently on its homepage. As a result, AllSides gives the BBC a Center Bias rating.


AllSides is the easiest way to get balanced news and avoid being misled by partisan media. Use the website or its Chrome extension or app to instantly see an outlet’s AllSides Media Bias Rating and compare headlines side-by-side.

Allsides’ initial bias ratings are based on its own blind surveys, independent research, third-party data, and community feedback. The site also conducts editorial reviews, in which its team members look at a source’s content to determine its biasedness. Its staffers lean left, right, and center.

AllSides rated NPR’s online news media bias as Lean Left following a recent blind survey. This move was based on the findings of its previous blind surveys, as well as a number of user votes that suggested NPR’s coverage was inching closer to the Left. The rating is based on its focus on liberal, progressive, or left-wing thought and policy agendas. Its criticism of the Chinese Communist Party is also a strong indicator of its Left bias.

The New York Times

The New York Times is one of the world’s most influential newspapers. Founded in 1851, it began as a penny paper that avoided sensationalism and reported news objectively. It was able to attract a cultured and intellectual readership by telling stories that weren’t being published elsewhere.

Despite its high moral standards, the Times faced the same economic problems as other businesses and had to make major changes to survive. Its business model changed, and it began offering different sections to draw in advertisers. This included a weekly computer section called “Circuits” and special slick Sunday magazines.

In the early 21st century, The Times struggled with how to compete in an age of free internet content. It began to drop its famous slogan, “All the News That’s Fit to Print,” and launched a subscription plan that limited free access to its content. It also began to publish important news stories on its website before it appeared in the printed newspaper.

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